Everything You Need to Know About Muscle Spasms

Muscle spasms can be incredibly painful and debilitating – so what causes them and what can you do about them? Can a physiotherapist help treat or prevent them? Here’s some advice from an exercise physiotherapist specialising in all types of physiotherapy in Richmond.

What is a Muscle Spasm?
A muscle spasm is a sharp and involuntary contraction in a part or the whole of a muscle. This can be a single spasm that lasts several seconds or multiple, continuous spasms, and the different types of spasms include skeletal muscle spasms (also commonly called muscle cramps), angina (squeezing of the muscles in the chest around the heart) and seizures. We will be primary talking about skeletal muscle spasms.

What Causes a Muscle Spasm?
There are a number of triggers that exercise physiotherapists know are a cause for muscle spasms, including:
  • Dehydration
  • Strain from overexertion from sport or physical labour
  • Low levels of calcium, potassium and magnesium
  • Low electrolytes (often after strenuous exercise or exercising in hot weather)
Relieving a Muscle Spasm
A muscle spasm can strike when you least expect it, when you are far away from your exercise physiotherapist! Here’s what to do:
  • Gently stretch and massage the cramped muscle with your hands, gently rubbing it to help it release. You can also use a foam roller.
  • Use a warm heating pad, hot water bottle or hot towel on the affected muscles. You can also take a hot bath or shower.
  • Sometimes, icing the cramped muscle and gently massaging it helps to relieve pain.
  • If you have been exercising or physically exerting yourself, drink plenty of water and take a magnesium supplement or electrolyte supplement if possible.
  • See an exercise physiotherapist as soon as possible if the cramp remains painful or reoccurs.
How Can Physiotherapy Help?
Your exercise physiotherapist can treat these types of muscle spasms by helping to diagnose the cause, which may include underlying injury, as well as release the spasm, provide pain relief and help promote healing. Treatment methods depend on the nature of the muscle spasm, but physiotherapy in Richmond often involves a combination of:
  • Massage
  • Stretching exercises
  • Heat therapy
  • Strengthening exercises
How to Prevent Muscle Spasms
Exercise physiotherapists recommend gentle stretching before and after exercise along with a sufficient warm up before exercising and a cool down after. It is also important to hydrate well before and after exercising using an electrolyte-rich drink. Try to avoid exercising during the heat of the day and take magnesium and calcium supplements regularly. If you are suffering from muscle spasms, your exercise physiotherapist can release the spasm and help with pain relief and recovery, as well as helping you find the underlying cause.

Experiencing Muscle Spasms? Get Professional Physiotherapy in Richmond
Looking for an exercise physiotherapist? We treat all manner of physical injuries, including sports injuries and strains, rehabilitation, strength and conditioning, and neck or back pain issues. If you would like to get assistance through physiotherapy in Richmond, please contact us today for expert, professional services.


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