What are Muscle Cramps and Why Do They Happen?

Muscle cramps are incredibly painful and they can affect anyone regardless of age, fitness or sport, sending you straight to a physiotherapist for relief. Here’s some insight into what happens during a cramp and why they occur, from a leading exercise physiotherapist at a clinic specialising in physiotherapy in Richmond

What are Muscle Cramps?

Exercise associated muscle cramps (EAMC) are painful, involuntary contractions in the muscle that occur during or after exercise. This feels like a very sudden, sharp pain lasting anything from a few seconds to 15 minutes, occasionally accompanied by a bulging lump of muscle. 

Cramps usually occur in the back of your lower leg, the back of your thigh or the front of your thigh, although they can also occur in feet, arms, hands and your abdominal wall.

Although these are EAMC, they can also occur at night while you are sleeping.

What Causes EAMC?

Exercise physiotherapists generally agree that there are multiple triggers for muscle cramps, and yours can be caused by any single or combination of the following factors:

Overuse – Intense exercise that exhausts the muscle
Low mineral levels – Specifically calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium
Low blood supply – Often during intense exercise, repetitive exercise or hot weather/environment
Dehydration – Due to hot weather, insufficient liquid intake, overexertion, or intake of alcohol
Medical conditions – Pregnancy, kidney conditions, hypothyroidism and spinal nerve compression

How to Treat EAMC

Exercise physiotherapists recommend that you apply a hot or cold compress to the sore muscles if they start feeling stiff and cramped, to gently stretch the muscle and take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory. If the pain and cramping continues, it’s a good idea to get physiotherapy in Richmond to massage and gently release the muscle.

Tips for Preventing Muscle Cramps
There is no way to prevent muscle cramps entirely, but there are a few things you can do to lower your risk.

Work with a specialist in physiotherapy in Richmond to ramp up your exercise regime without overworking or straining your muscles
Stretch and warm up before exercising
Lower your caffeine intake
Boost your mineral levels by eating bananas, milk and fresh vegetables, as well as supplements
Drink enough liquid before and during your exercise if you are exercising for more than 30 minutes, and limit your exercise to cooler parts of the day.

Speak to Specialists in Physiotherapy in Richmond

Want to get fit and healthy while avoiding painful muscle cramps? Speak to your exercise physiotherapist about developing your personal training plan, maintaining good nutrition and more.


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