Are You Dealing With Chronic Pain?

 Physiotherapists know that pain is a healthy response in the body, helping to keep us safe and prevent further injury – but when pain becomes a part of everyday life, it becomes a problem. Here’s some insight into how a rehabilitation physiotherapist can help you manage and decrease chronic pain, from a leading physio in Richmond.


What is Chronic Pain?


This is pain that persists for 3 months or longer. Although it may not be severe and can come and go in intensity, chronic pain has a significant impact on daily life and can lead to limited functionality, physical decline and distress, impacting on work, family and social lives. In fact, 30-45% of people who live with chronic pain suffer from depression as well. It can affect anyone of any age, regardless of fitness and activity levels, although it can be more common in people with fairly sedentary lifestyles.


How a Rehabilitation Physiotherapist Can Help


Physiotherapy takes a holistic approach to treating chronic pain, working with your doctor and other health practitioners to create an effective treatment plan.


·      Education – Patients play a significant role in managing and treating chronic pain, so education is an important empowering step for most patients.

·      Manual manipulation – This includes various forms of massage, joint and muscle manipulation, helping to release joints and muscles that have become inflamed, overused or tensed due to pain or the stress that poor function places on the body.

·      Exercises – Patients with chronic pain often reduce or avoid exercise entirely. Your rehabilitation physiotherapist can show you how to exercise without increasing your pain, and give you exercises that can help reduce the pain as well.

·      Rehabilitation therapy – When surgery is recommended to treat chronic pain, your physio in Richmond can support you through the recovery process to help speed up healing, build strength and increase the functionality and range of the affected joints.


Don’t Live with Chronic Pain – Visit Your Physio in Richmond Today


Don’t let chronic pain hold you back from your favourite activities, prevent you from achieving your health and fitness goals, or restrict your life when a rehabilitation physiotherapist is ready to help you. Book an appointment with your physio in Richmond today.


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