How to Avoid Back and Neck Pain When Working From Home

With most of us working from home in a very different environment to what we’re used to, our bodies are facing very different types of stress. This can lead to severe back and neck pain which can result in the need for extensive treatment from a physiotherapist. As sports physiotherapy specialists, we know that prevention is better than a cure! Here are some tips from your physio in Richmond to prevent discomfort in your neck and back from becoming a real problem.

Set Up Your Home Office Space Properly

Working from home means you can lie on the couch with your laptop – but it doesn’t mean you should! Spending hours in unusual positions creates a lot of strain on your muscular and skeletal system, and is a sure-fire way to end up with back and neck pain that needs treatment from your physio in Richmond.

Instead, physiotherapists recommend that you set up a small home office space that mimics what you’re used to at work. Sit at a desk or countertop that sits about 10cm higher than the tops of your thighs while you are working. Sit with your back upright, aligned with your hips, your thighs and knees parallel to the floor, and your feet flat on the floor. It’s best if you have an ergonomic office chair where you can adjust the height of the chair to suit you, but a comfortable chair with good support and some cushioning is fine.

Position your computer so that the middle of your screen aligns comfortably with your eyes when you look straight ahead. You can raise your screen on a few books and tilt it upward a little to achieve this. Your keyboard and mouse should be in line with your elbows, forearms resting lightly on the surface and upper arms aligned with your torso.

Don’t Forget to Move!

Doing any one thing for 8 or more hours straight is very stressful on your body (and mind), so your physio in Richmond recommends that you take the time to break up your day. It’s a little easier for most people while working from home, but it’s easy to forget the importance of moving through the day. It’s good for productivity too. 

Sports physiotherapy clinics recommend that you take a 10-minute break every 30 minutes – make a cup of coffee, get a glass of water, hang up the washing, walk around the garden or just get up and stretch. If you get a phone call, try walk while you talk. Climb the stairs in your house, play fetch with your dog or combine your lunch with a 7 minute exercise routine.

Still Sore? Get Advice from a Physiotherapist

During COVID-19, our sports physiotherapy clinic is offering FREE telehealth sessions from physiotherapists on Fridays and Saturdays where we can help you with exercises and advice to avoid and treat back and neck pain. We will be bringing back our full range of sports physiotherapy services as soon as we are allowed to, so stay in touch! For more information, please contact us today – we’re the best physio in Richmond.


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